Have no fear, he is ... where?
Yesterday I posted a question: Where is Florida governor Ron DeSantis? Concerns arose in the final weeks of 2021 as COVID-19 has been making it's way through the Sunshine State and it's governor was seemingly nowhere to be found.
In his two week "absence", theories went flying. A conspiracy among his opponents brewed that he was out with COVID. His staff had a four pronged response:

- He's still working.
- He's spending the holidays with his wife and children.
- He has been supporting his wife in her fight with cancer.
- Look, over there! It's Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's boyfriend's feet!
Last night, we got a glimpse of the man as he made an appearance to recieve the "Defender of Freedom" award from a touring "Let Us Worship" event in Miami. There at the event was his wife, Casey.
His wife who is undergoing cancer treatment.
In an indoor event center.
With thousands of maskless people.
As Florida tops 75,000 COVID cases.
Per day.
It's great to see DeSantis is around and silencing rumors from his opponents.
I don't know if it's great how he chose to do it.